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Monday, February 14, 2011

2010: Year of the Metal Tiger

Complementary sign: Rabbit

Steel was adept with a kitchen knife,
cutting and slicing with muscle memory.
Vegetables and and meat received her strife -
she did well cutting all but a human artery.

 She stood twelve hours a day
 with a swingin' pony tail and a rod in her leg,
 amidst fierce competition in her way,
 by a cutting board, a stove, and a keg.

 She was quite the fire tiger lily,
 rearing and ready to pounce
 on silly Sallie and silly Billie,
"Do you know your measurements -
a cup, a quart, a pound, an ounce?"

Fed up with all in this barren locale,
hunting in a role that didn't suit her,
"Hear me roar - hear me growl!
 It's the year, the year of the metal tiger."

 She sported her stripes and boiled snipes.
 She'd learned the snake and the rabbit,
 weary of the gossip and the gripes,
 "Don't poke that meat, man, stab it!
  Use a fuckin' towel - eschew those petty wipes!"

  Steel was ready and rearing to go,
  I've gleaned much and I'm working harder,
  "Year of the Tiger - don't you know?
    My rabbit friend could be smarter."

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